Monday, June 3, 2019

WSH Management System with Legal Compliance

WSH focussing System with Legal ComplianceCoordinate WSH Management System with Legal ComplianceBackground of My organizationGREATLAND(S)ENGINEERING PTE,LTD.COMPANY PROFILEGREATLAND(S)ENGINEERING PTE, LTD mildew with main-con SK Engineering construction In the participation was prequalified by the Land conveyance Authority (LTA) of Singapore to undertake all major mass transit rail (MRT) transcription developments with undisclosed contr crook value. Within half a year, the Comp some(prenominal) has been awarded MRT contracts with total value exceeding 350Million Singapore Dollars by LTA. The telephoner is also currently in the stage of participating in new and coming tenders for MRT projects East-West cable tunnel by LTA in Singapore.We boast a tradition of integrated project Company and technical expertise in the railway construction industry. Our unique blend of corporate culture, sound business strategies, experience, strong financial status and advance technology chairs to excellent results and the dynamism of the Company. Confidently offers the most cost-effective and in force(p) integral design and construction solutions to all our customers.Project name East-West cable tunnel and project value 350 million dollars. Starting on December 2012 and complition on dec 2016.1) Explain the WSH roles, responsibilities and authorities for any four (4) of employees that should be defined in the WSH Management System.(i) Project tutor/Senior Deputy Project ManagerTo Chair the Project Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) committeeTo lead, execute and implement the SHEMS (SHE Management System)To implement Companys corporate preventive programs and appendagesTo ensure the furnish of base hit and healthy working environment for all staffTo ensure that all statutory requirement, codes of practice and companys base hit rules and regulations are complied withTo make do performance of sub-contractors and ensure that they comply with legal requirements and g umshoe standardsTo review safety issues and recommendations for improvement on safetyTo develop and offer close liaison and first-string communication with relevant statutory authoritiesTo conduct regular oversight and scrutinize on the safety provisions on siteTo establish and maintain a positive safety climate on the project siteTo ensure the WSH Committee carries out investigations recommendations for any incident, accident, near miss or wild occurrence that such actions are recorded(ii) WSH Officer support in the implementation of the sites workplace safety and health environmental programmesAssist in identifying and assessing any foreseeable risk arising from the workplace or work processes thereinTo recommend reasonably practicable measures to eliminate, minimize or control any foreseeable risk to any person who is at work in the workplace or may be affected by other work processes in the workplaceAssist to implement the approved Safe Work Method Statement and Risk Ass essmentExercise general supervision and inspection of the observance of the provisions of the WSH Act and any regulations made thereafterAdvise site management on legal environment, health and safety requirement and company safety proceduresTo monitor performance of sub-contractors ensure their compliance with legal requirements safety standardsTo update management on new changes in legal requirements relating to workplace safety and healthOrganise safety programme and activities to promote safe conduct of workersTo investigate all incidents/accidents or dangerous occurrences recommend means to prevent recurrences writing and liaise with the management, relevant authorities on inspection, audit and other safety, health and environment issuesServe as the secretary in the site WSH committee(iii) WSH Coordinator/WSH supervisors action daily inspection and act on unsafe acts and conditionsTrain and monitor workers safe work practicesMaintain and monitor safety records and checklistT o assist in the investigation of accidents/incident/dangerous occurrences recommend remedial actions, if necessaryTo liaise with authorities subcontractors on WSH mattersAssist in identifying any unsafe condition / unsafe act recommend / implement reasonable practicable measures to correct the situationMonitor the conduct of daily toolbox meetings and Job Safety Analysis briefingsAct as assistant secretary of the site WSH committee(iv) EngineersTo be in-charge of overall structural work and inspectionTo comply with all legal safety requirements and company safe work proceduresTo conduct regular inspection and audits on the safety provisions on siteSupervise and ensure subcontractors comply with legal safety requirements and safety standardsEnsure that the approved Safe Work Method Statement and Risk Assessment are utilise by subcontractors and all employees.To participate in safety talks, toolbox meetings and briefingsTo report any incidents, assist in investigation.Rectify unsa fe conditions and correct unsafe act promptly on site.Attend safety meetings to contribute to a safe working environment2) Identify at least three (3) stakeholders relevant to the chosen work and explain how the WSH roles, responsibility and authorities would be communicated to the stakeholders.3) Describe three WSH management system in used in workplace and explain any five (5)elemaents of theWSH management system in point in time and how your organization implement it.Safety preparation it is necessary to equip workers at all level with acknowledgeledge, skills and attitude so that they can perform their job in a safely manner. Its is also necessary to establish procedures to identify traning needs and provide adequate safety reproduction to all levels. Records of training should also be documented and maintained at all times.In- house safety rules and regulations it needs to be established and enforced to ensure all working personnel know their roles and responsibilities in safety that they need to comply e.g. proper use of PPE, operation and maintenance of machinery and equipment, proper handling and storage of hazardous materials and reporting of hazards and incident.Incident investigation and analysis it is to establish the cause of incidents and to prevent recurrence of the incidents. Procedures to identify, record, investigate and analyse incidents should be established and maintained so that corrective actions can be implemented to prevent recurrence of incidents.Five (5) Elements of theWSH management systemRisk Assessment /Hazards analysisSafe work practicesSafety promotionSafety inspctionsEmergency cookery4) Identify resources required for the implementation of WSH management.Resources required for implementation of WSH management may includeHuman resources (manpower)Financial resourcesEquipment and tools allocationSpace allocationSpecialised skills programming of implementation5) By means of a flow chat, explain how You coordinate and docum ent a management review on WSH Management System and illustrate types of record to be documented for Management reviewManagement meeting during the meeting, all the relevant stakeholders will be issued a copy of the WSH management system for review.Pre drink down meeting during the pre start meeting, the WSH personnal would present the slides on the respective elements of the WSH Management System to all the stakeholders involved.Safety induction course during the SIC, all stakeholders would be briefed on the implementation of the WSH Management System on site.Toolbox Meeting Record6) Prepare all legal register for your workplace7) Explain how your workplace procedure for checking organizational compliance with applicable WSH legal and other requirement.Organization should document and maintain records of safety training provided for all working personnel in the organisation. didactics records may includePersonnel who are provided with training. These include employees as well as sub contractors employees.Duration of trainingSchedule of training including date and time of training, topics, trainers and details of assessments.Sequence of training includes the order in which training content, activities and how assessment is conducted.Type of training include skills based, knowledge based and charge of training whether for workers, supervisor or managers.Trainers particulars including their competency and experience in the training topics8) List of Communication channels at your workplace to image out to StakeholdersCommunication channelsToolbox meetingWSH committee meetingWork progress meetingManagement meetingTechnical meetingWSH trainingWSH InspectionRepotsFeedbackEmailSafety posterNewslettersPhone calls9) Explain how you Coordinate compliance audit for your workplaceArranging the schedulee.g. date of audit, duration of audit, start time of the audit, plant to conduct the audit and scope of the audit.Engaging a competent auditore.g consultant or Audit ing Agencies.Conducting the meetinge.g. opening the meeting, discuss the audit programme with the introduction of auditor and auditees, familiarisation tour at the site process and site utilization plan, verification of effective implementation SHMS involving reviewing of documents, procedures and records, interviewing of personnel and phyisical inspection, evaluation of audits findings and sack the meeting.

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